Friday, June 18, 2010

I like OneNote

Okay - I have had this program on computers for years now and simply overlooked it. What a tragedy! Now that I have discovered OneNote I am bemoaning the wasted years of missing out on its delights.

OneNote is a program that enables one to make notebooks, insert tabs and put pages in the tabs. It's intuitive, user friendly and integrates with virtually everything else on the computer.

I have a number of OneNote books but my main notebook has my GTD (that's Getting Things Done for the uninitiated) stuff. Besides that I have a notebook for each of my life and work categories that have tabs and pages for projects and information.

Each OneNote page is like a blank scrapbook page (no lines!!!). One can write on it, paste documents to it, post photos, link websites - you name it.

OneNote is the perfect tool for the right-brained type that needs to sort info for later use. Each page is like a big box that info can dumped into. Combine that ability with a search function and there is no need to have an intricate filing system (icky).

I'm in love with OneNote. Check it out - you might fall in love too!

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