Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Disciplemaking and the Liturgy

Sorry to miss a few days. Now I am back in the saddle.

Disciplemaking is moving someone into a new manner of life or a new manner of being...the way of Jesus Christ. The Jesus pattern is a baptismal and eucharistic pattern. Since I am writing these posts in no particular order, today I write about Eucharist.

A friend of mine says disciplemaking is forming people who can say amen at the end of the eucharistic prayer. A disciple understands what the Triune God has done for him/her in Jesus and says amen to living into that life in worship and taking that life back into the world for the sake of others.

I suggest a disciple is one who has learned to live the poured out life of Jesus. At our liturgy, a lay catechist sets the table in preparation for Holy Communion. One of the actions involved is to pour wine out of a karafe into the chalice. That movement reminds me that Jesus poured out his life for me and reminds me I am to pour out my life for others. So disciplemaking is about forming people who can say amen to the liturgy; people who can live the poured out life of Jesus.

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